Driving through Bozeman, Montana we were introduced to the Museum of the Rockies. Very nice museum on the campus of Montana State University and a Smithsonian affiliate. This is a history museum and research facility. You can find things from dinosaurs to old west wagons to guitars. Many things for all ages. It has free parking and we were able to park our RV fairly easy. If you are a MSU student, senior citizen, have AAA, or active military check for discounts on admission.
We did not get paid for the advertisement of the these facilities. The content in this blog is of our own views and honest opinions.
The dinosaurs were mesmerizing. So many varieties of dinosaurs with detailed information to learn about. Do you like dragons? Many artists, animators and movie creators from Hollywood come to study the shapes of the dinosaur skulls to create their dragons.
Every since my kids were little they have been fascinated with dinosaurs. They found this part of the museum the most mesmerizing. With such a huge display of so many dinosaurs, what dinosaur loving kid wouldn’t be amazed by the wondrous sights in this museum.
The dino below has a “twinkle” in his eye…
They have had numerous findings around Montana and surrounding states. The paleontology students have real opportunities to go on dino hunts and do real life research. Nothing like a hands on classroom experience in a natural setting.
Guitars, Art and Science
Lots of early guitars such as one from 3000BC to modern day.
Scientific Gadgets and Art too.
There is also the Taylor Planetarium in the museum for your informative learning experience on the big screen. Their large theater and reclining chairs allows you to see the gigantic dome screen in comfort. Check the museum website for their listing of shows. Visit the Museum of the Rockies website for more information.
Photos by Cilla Green and Theodore Green
Contact us at teacherescapes@gmail.com
For more Montana adventures check out our trip to Glacier!
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